Oral Presentation (max 25mins) The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024

"Voices of Resilience: Transformative Strategies in Youth Suicide Prevention by Talk Out Loud" (101623)

Linda Jury 1 , Mary Galouzis 1
  1. Talk Out Loud, Ridgehaven, SA, Australia

"Voices of Resilience: Transformative Strategies in Youth Suicide Prevention by Talk Out Loud" This abstract delves into the innovative strategies employed by Talk Out Loud to address the urgent issue of youth suicide, offering practical interventions and community engagement strategies. The presentation aims to shed light on tangible outcomes and pioneering approaches, providing essential insights into the dynamic landscape of youth mental health and its interconnectedness with suicide prevention. A central and compelling aspect of the presentation is the incorporation of lived experience narratives, presenting firsthand accounts that illuminate the formidable challenges faced by young individuals navigating mental health crises.

Orygens Dr Magenta Simmons explains “Peer support is associated with benefits for clients and peer workers themselves.”  “Compared to clinical staff, peer workers are better able to promote hope, recovery and empowerment”

 By showcasing the indispensable role of lived experience in shaping and affirming the effectiveness of Talk Out Loud's programs, the presentation underscores the transformative power inherent in personal stories. This emphasis aligns seamlessly with the conference's recognition of lived experience as a crucial component in crafting impactful strategies for suicide prevention. The presentation takes the audience on a nuanced exploration of Talk Out Loud's programs, grounded in evidence-based outcomes and success metrics. Visual aids, including thoughtfully integrated info graphics and video testimonials, enhance audience engagement and comprehension. These elements contribute to a deeper understanding of the multifaceted strategies employed by Talk Out Loud. "Voices of Resilience" seeks to elevate the conversation around youth suicide prevention by spotlighting the transformative impact of Talk Out Loud's initiatives, emphasising lived experiences, evidence-based practices, and the broader societal context. The presentation aims to inspire and mobilise attendees towards collective action in expediting the impact of suicide prevention efforts in Australia.

  1. https://www.orygen.org.au/About/News-And-Events/2020/Study-finds-peer-support-benefits-clients-and-peer