Oral Presentation (max 25mins) The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024

Systems need stories: The national Declaration of LGBTIQA+SB Lived Experience Leadership in Suicide Prevention (101885)

Maya Ellazam 1
  1. Switchboard Victoria, St Kilda, VIC, Australia

How do we put LGBTIQA+SB suicide prevention on everyone’s agenda? LGBTIQA+ lived experiences tell us that mainstream suicide prevention services do not reach, or do not appropriately support LGBTIQA+SB people, meaning many people cannot access safe and affirming care when they need it most. This results in LGBTQIA+SB people regularly supporting each other through experiences of suicidality and the loss of loved ones to suicide outside of existing support avenues. 

Our communities deserve better, and it is time we do something about it.  

With support from LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, Switchboard Victoria is running a national campaign to raise awareness and include LGBTIQA+SB Lived Experience Leadership across Suicide Prevention programs and policy. Co-designed with LGBTIQA+SB people with lived experience from communities across Australia, Switchboard Victoria has created the Declaration of LGBTIQA+SB Lived Experience Leadership in Suicide Prevention. This Declaration highlights the suicide prevention work LGBTQIA+SB communities already do and outlines the necessity for the inclusion of LGBTIQA+SB peer support and leadership at every level of LGBTIQA+SB suicide prevention care. 

This presentation will provide an overview of the Declaration, before outlining some of the most significant reflections from our codesign workshops with LGBTIQA+SB community members with lived experience. We also outline how and why a national campaign calling on practitioners, organisations and governments to sign on to this Declaration has the potential to drive real, lasting change for LGBTIQA+SB communities. 

The Declaration of LGBTIQA+SB Lived Experience Leadership in Suicide Prevention calls for LGBTIQA+SB lived experience to be recognised, and for that expertise to help inform suicide prevention systems. A Declaration that will help save LGBTIQA+SB lives and create dynamic and lasting change across the sector.