Poster Presentation The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024

Insight into the Current System, Suicidal Behaviour in Rural Australia - A Patient’s Perspective (#127)

Cassandra Talbot 1
  1. The Healthy Communities Foundation Australia, Collarenebri, NSW, Australia

Background: Rural communities in Australia face distinctive challenges in suicide prevention, characterized by barriers such as limited access to support services, heightened stigma, increased travel costs, and low mental health literacy. This presentation seeks to illuminate the current system for individuals contending with suicidal thoughts in rural Australia from a patient's lived experience. Our goal is to contribute to the conference theme of 'Collective Courage. Accelerate Impact' by offering insights that inform targeted interventions and accelerate the impact of suicide prevention strategies in underserved regions.

Living in rural areas often means facing limited access to crucial support services. This presentation will explore the unique challenges individuals encounter when seeking timely assistance, emphasizing the critical need for community-driven initiatives and strategic resource allocation.

Negative stigma surrounding suicide in rural and remote communities inhibits open discourse and impedes access to vital services. We will delve into the detrimental impact of this stigma and propose strategies for fostering a culture of understanding and empathy within these communities.

Increased travel and incidental costs associated with accessing mental health services can be significant deterrents. We will discuss the economic burden faced by individuals in rural areas and advocate for innovative solutions that mitigate financial obstacles, ensuring that no one is excluded from life-saving support due to financial constraints.

Low mental health literacy in rural communities complicates the landscape of suicide prevention. Our presentation will offer strategies to enhance mental health literacy through community-based education initiatives, empowering individuals to recognise, understand, and respond to suicidal thoughts in themselves and others.

This presentation is grounded in the authentic lived experience of people in rural NSW, ensuring that the insights shared are not just theoretical but deeply rooted in the realities faced by individuals in these regions.

Presentation Proposal: We propose running this presentation as a panel discussion featuring two patients sharing their lived experiences alongside a rural suicide prevention worker. This format aims to enrich the discourse, providing diverse perspectives and fostering a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in rural suicide prevention.

Conclusion: By delving into the lived experience of suicide in rural Australia, this presentation aims to foster collective courage within the audience, encouraging accelerated and targeted efforts to address the unique challenges faced by individuals in these communities. The insights shared will contribute to a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to suicide prevention, aligning with the conference theme of 'Collective Courage. Accelerate Impact.'