Symposia, Panel, Roundtable Discussion (max 60mins) The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024

The value of data and community tracking - Suicide Prevention Australia Community Tracker (101843)

Clare Kinsella 1
  1. Suicide Prevention Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia

The Suicide Prevention Australia Community Tracker is a quarterly survey that sheds light on the prevalence of suicidal behaviours, what social and economic issues are driving distress, and the impact of suicide in our community. It is designed to provide real-time, community-wide insights to policy makers, practitioners, and the community and to support suicide prevention activities across Australia.

These insights help decision makers like Government make policy decisions that have greatest impact. The suicide prevention sector can also utilise these quarterly insights to help bolster grassroots efforts.

Demonstrate value and impact of the quarterly tracker.

Explore ways to better understand community sentiment and what is driving distress in our communities.

How the tracker data can be overlaid with other data sets from the AIHW and ABS to create more robust  insights.