Oral Presentation (max 25mins) The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024

Suicide Prevention Australia Learnlinc: Learning for Life. Facilitating learning and skill development for suicide prevention (101924)

Clayton Spence 1
  1. Suicide Prevention Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Suicide Prevention Australia is the national peak body for the suicide prevention sector. We exist to provide a clear, collective voice for suicide prevention, so that together we can save lives. Over 3,000 people die by suicide each year in Australia, and we can never underestimate the impact that every life lost to suicide has on family, friends, workplaces, and the broader community.

In recognition of the impact of suicide on every Australian, in January 2024 Suicide Prevention Australia launched Learnlinc, a supported learning platform. This platform was developed in consultation with sector experts, lived experience perspectives, and the broader member base of Suicide Prevention Australia. We applied best practice adult learning principles to highlight and amplify high quality suicide prevention learning resources provided across the membership base of Suicide Prevention Australia.

Learnlinc provides a place for member’s accredited and other high quality learning resources to be easily found, evaluated, and accessed, with support to help individuals and organisations effectively apply that learning. It is a place where anyone who wants to learn more about suicide prevention can identify their learning goals, fulfil their learning needs, and apply that learning to suicide prevention.

This presentation will include an overview of the philosphy and potential impact that Learnlinc will have on suicide prevention within our sector and beyond. And provide an opportunity for potential users to see the key features.

Learnlinc is the platform for individuals and communities, including corporations and other organisations to find the resources as they develop their own suicide prevention strategies whether part of a well-being strategy, WH&S implementation, or social engagement.