In 2022, dialogue began between the StandBy Support After Suicide Program and the Deputy Commissioner of WA Police, discussing collaboration to further support the WA community impacted by suicide and the ability to offer equal opportunities of support to those individuals and families identifying support needs. An MoU was developed between WAPOL and Anglicare WA enabling the following.
WA's broad geographical region and low population density outside the Perth Metropolitan region presents difficulties in providing consistent and effective coordinated postvention responses. Further challenges are faced when considering rural regions and remote Aboriginal communities and the cultural protocols that must be learnt and adhered to when offering supports to people in these communities.
The expansion of the StandBy service across WA in 2022/23 presented distinct opportunities to improve collaboration with WAPOL. Based on this collaboration, feedback from our National Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG), and the individuals and communities we support, StandBy WA endeavours to create a ‘’reach in’’ model, where impacted families are proactively offered support through a Coordinated community postvention response. This community model collectively identifies and maps which services are the most appropriate to deliver the supports whilst in close consultation with those impacted.
Where consented to, contact with individuals, families and communities is initiated (often on the same day), enabling supports and relevant information to be provided about coronial inquests, funeral planning, resourcing, and other issues/experiences specific to suicide loss. Connections and referrals to relevant clinical supports and any other identified support pathways are also completed on request.
The MoU was signed, and the broadcast action delivered to all WAPOL stations in WA in July 2023. Thus far, the team have received notification and consent to reach into and offer supports tor more than 65 families across WA impacted by suspected suicide.