Bronwen EDWARDS The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024


Bronwen Edwards AM is the founding CEO of Roses in the Ocean (RITO), Australia’s first suicide specific lived experience organisation, originating from her drive and commitment to ensuring people with lived experience are central to suicide prevention. The organisation is cited by World Health Organisation as representing best practice in the integration and partnership with people with lived experience across all aspects of suicide prevention. Roses in the Ocean is a leading organisation in Australia, renowned for giving people with a lived experience of suicide a voice, to participate in service design and delivery, policy development, and research. Bronwen’s key achievements in her role as CEO of RITO include empowering people with lived experience to drive the Lived Experience movement, combining extensive grassroots work with strategic system reform through collaboratively working with individuals, communities, government, sector organisations and academics, introducing innovative non-clinical peer led services and working to establish a professional suicide prevention peer workforce. Bronwen’s leadership and passion is demonstrated by her numerous expert advisory roles in suicide prevention and postvention related committees both nationally and internationally.

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