Jorgen Gullestrup The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024

Jorgen Gullestrup

Jorgen is a Plumber from Denmark. In 2007 he became the founding CEO of MATES in Construction working with his industry - the construction industry for better mental health and suicide prevention. Jorgen holds a Masters of Suicidology from Griffith University and a Diploma in Social and Community Development from USQ. He is currently a PhD Candidate at Deakin University researching "Help offering amongs men in suicide prevention". Jorgen is currently the CEO of Mental Healht Lived Experiece Peak Queensland, he was Lived Experience advisor to Suicide Prevention Australia from 2022-2023. He was a warded a 2017 Churchill Fellowship to investigate and understand approaches to workplace suicide preveniton and mental healht globally. He is a 2018 Suicide Prevention Australia LIFE Award recipient for sector leadership.

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